Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rockstar Juiced Pomegranate

Ever since I was impressed with Rockstar Citrus I've been on the look out for other Rockstar varieties, and the one that I've probably been looking for the hardest is Rockstar Juiced Pomegranate. Rockstar Pomegranate is fifty percent juice, and while that isn't the largest percent of juice I've had in an energy drink, it is certainly enough to satisfy the average juice cocktail drinker looking for a boast. Since I'm recovering from a cold(no not the swine flu), a juice energy drink seems like a smart choice. With impressionable entries in the line, Rockstar Pomegranate has some high expectations to match.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The design is basically the same as Rockstar Citrus, but with more success. First off, the red is much more appealing to the eye, and it also makes the text seem less cluttered than the green. One thing I don't like is the cans sub name "juiced. " It seems unnecessary when there's other, smaller text that clearly says "50% juice." Despite some gripes the can is one of the most attractive in the line.

TASTE: Once I pulled the red tab towards me, I took a sip. The flavour starts out a soothing blend of pomegranate, apple, pear, and cherry, all seamlessly bonded together. The cherry launches the experience and is followed by a juicy apple flavour. A vibrant pomegranate soon follows the apple and is interwoven with the taste of a pleasant pear. The tartness level is moderate and is most notable during the pomegranate. The sweetness is slightly higher than what I imagined, but it actually fits the fruit mix quite well. Though Rockstar Pomegranate is rather similar to a fruit punch, it is great tasting and really makes my mouth water.

KICK: Each can contains: sucrose, Taurine, tartaric acid, 160mg of caffeine, L-Carnitine, inositol, Milk Thistle Extract, niacinamide, ginkgo biloba leaf extract, guarana, sucralose, ginseng, and cyanocobalamin. This blend of ingredients gave a fair to middling buzz. For around three hours I felt more mentally focused and I didn't have any jitters. Once the three hours ended I experienced no crash. I'm disappointed with the kick to Rockstar Pomegranate. With impressive kicks from most of the other Rockstar flavours I don't understand why Rock Pom wasn't as powerful. My guess is the reduced caffeine content.

FINAL WORDY: In a world full of energy drinks, few taste as good as Rockstar Pomegranate. But are energy drinks all about taste? The answer is no. It is called an energy drink for a reason, not a tasty drink. Perhaps for a newcomer to caffeine Rockstar Pom may rock your world, but to an avid energy drink guru, Rockstar Pomegranate's disappointing kick really damages its chance for a recommendation. For $2.69 Rockstar Pomegranate is an expensive investment that really isn't worth the money...3.4/5

official site

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