Thursday, October 29, 2009

Power Edge Wild Berry

Years, and I mean years ago I was at Wal Mart when I picked up a ten pack of Power Edge Wild Berry. In the back of my mini fridge it sat until today when the drink I was planning on reviewing didn't show up in my mailbox. I hadn't had Power Edge in years nor did I ever review it, so I decided to review it instead. Power Edge Berry is made by Sturm Foods, and though I don't believe I've ever reviewed one of their products, I do have some of their products on the review waiting list.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The packet design to Power Edge Wild Berry is miles ahead of the design to Energy Rush. The shiny red strips fits the billed wild berry flavour quite well and the flames along with the name(Power Edge) help the mix look hard core and edgy. The colour scheme of the flames are not only red, but also black and gray, adding some "freshness" to the usual flame colour. While I do like the packet, there are some problems with it. My most obvious complaint is the cluttered text. While the text isn't the worst offense I've ever seen, it is still an issue. Another problem is the colour of the drink once it is mixed with water. Maybe I've been living under a rock but I don't think that the market this mix is intended for(the hard to the core) will risk their reputation by carrying around a pale pink beverage.

TASTE: I opened the packet, poured the contents into a sixteen.nine oz. bottle of water and shook vigorously. Once I took a sip I found that the flavour starts out a light and rather generic berry taste that is quickly interrupted by a spike of sugar free taste and ends abruptly, leaving a taste of nothing for a while until more sugar free taste builds and finishes the experience. The berry taste is boring and pretty dull, which is sad given that it is the only real flavour to speak of. The flavour to Power Wild Berry isn't to any extent tart, sweet, or really any good. Overall, Power Edge Wild Berry's taste is lifeless and for a flavour that is labeled Wild Berry it really is disappointingly bland.

KICK: Each packet contains: 160mg of caffeine, 1000mg of Taurine, ginseng, guarana, inositol, pantothenic acid, Vit. B6, and Vit. B12. As you can imagine I didn't feel that I had an "edge" after drinking the entire bottle. For around two to three hours I felt slightly more awake and had no jitters. Once the two+ hours ended I didn't notice any signs of a crash(and no bodies were found).

FINAL WORD: Power Edge Wild Berry is nothing more than a second rate energy drink mix. While the packet was good, the taste was disgraceful and the kick was poor. Nothing about this powdered drink was great and it is products like this that make me really hate my job. If there was one area that I was really displeased with it would have to be the taste. Not only was it a chore to drink but it really brought the overall score down. All in all, Power Edge Wild Berry is more dull than the drink mix colour itself...2/5

official site

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