Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sport Energy Mango Cream

For the last couple of days I've tried reviewing another energy drink, but I had some creative differences and I scrapped the review. Perhaps some day I'll release it, but for now it is locked away in the vault and instead you readers get the review of Sport Energy Mango Cream. Sport Energy Mango is third drink I have in the Sport Energy line, and the one I'm the least excited to review as I've never really liked mango energy drinks. While the few mango drinks I've had in my day were at least decent, to think about a line with such potential like the Sport line being laced with a decent at best drink is depressing. I've never had anything that was "mango cream" flavoured, so I have no idea what to expect.

FIRST IMPRESSION: I don't like the can to Sport Mango, I really don't. While I enjoyed the previous Sport Energy cans, Mango's combination of orange and lightning just seems forced and unnatural. I can't say that I'm all too excited to review Sport Mango, given the name mystery and the poor can, but if it tastes half as good as the previous flavours, it will at least be decent.

TASTE: I opened the can and took as sip. The flavour starts out a fresh-tasting mango that slowly diminishes into a faint orange and tangerine blend. Neither the orange or the tangerine are very sweet nor do they taste artificial. The mango flavour doesn't feel overpowering and is joined by the perfect amount of carbonation. The overall drink isn't very sweet, just like the fruit flavours it is trying to duplicate. Sport Mango Cream isn't very creamy, but instead very refreshing and thirst quenching, which I feel was the best way to do a "mango" drink.

KICK: I found the buzz to Sport Energy Mango Cream to be underwhelming. While it was by no means terrible, it wasn't far from average. For around three hours I felt more alert and had no jitters. Once the three hours was up it began to decline. Overall, the kick was nothing to write hope about. Each can contains: 160mg of caffeine, 2000mg of Taurine, ten mg of guarana, 400% of your daily intake of Vit. B6, ten mg of ginseng, and 200% of your daily intake of Vit. B5, B12, and Niacin.

FINALL WORDE: Overall, Sport Energy Mango Cream is nothing more than a run of the mill energy drink with a great taste. If Sport Energy Inc. wants to become a real competitor in the energy drink market, they're going to have to rely on more than just taste. I usually criticize energy drinks for relying on the can or kick instead of the taste, but in Sport Mango's case it is the complete opposite. Though I can praise the taste till next morning, the can is too unattractive to gain any attention from energy drinkers and the average kick wont keep them coming back...3.2/5

official site

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