Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sport Energy Fruit Punch

Along side Sport Energy Doo Drop I purchased the fruit punch variety of the Sport line, properly named Sport Energy Fruit Punch. Fruit Punch is one of the several "new" flavours in the Sport line, and probably the one that I'm most excited to review. Since energy punches are usually done quite well, and after the success of Sport Doo Drop, I'm expecting Sport Punch to be a well thought out, properly executed energy punch.

FIRST IMPRESSION: I like the can to Sport Energy Fruit Punch much more than I did the previous flavours. The red and black combo looks great and blends with the lightning well, creating a storm like atmosphere. Despite being a fan of the colour scheme itself I can't help but feel that the cursive writing towards the bottom of the can and the name "Sport Energy" are out of place and clash with the theme that I think they were going for. Name and grips aside, the red lightning effect looks great and help the can escape a state of average.

TASTE: I opened the can and once I took a sip I noticed that the flavour started out a smooth blend of cherry, passion fruit, pear, and lime extracts. The cherry and passion fruit begin the experience with a crisp burst of flavour, that slowly quiets itself down, letting a fresh pear taste evolve. The pear taste lasts quite some time and slowly is accompanied by a mild lime taste. There are several notes of apple and guava, but these notes underlie the passion fruit/cherry blend, not ruining the flavour, only adding a level of complexity. Sport Punch is not overly sweet, making it more of something found in a juice bar instead of the usual sickly sweet Hi-C. The carbonation is only present towards the initial explosion of flavour, making it easy to drink. Overall, I'm extremely impressed with how well Sport Energy Fruit Punch tastes. Each flavour blends seamlessly, almost like it was an authentic fruit.

KICK: Once I drank the entire can I slowly realized that my alertness and general awareness was raising. They stayed fully raised for about four hours until they gradually declined. During that period I experienced no jitters and once it all ended I received no crash. Each can contains: 160mg of caffeine, 2000mg of Taurine, ten mg of guarana, 400% of your daily intake of Vit. B6, sixty mg of Glucuronolactone, ten mg of ginseng, and 200% of your daily intake of Vit. B5, B12, B2, and Niacin.

FINALL WORDE: All in all, I feel that Sport Energy Fruit Punch is an above average energy drink. In every category Sport Punch either met or exceeded the standard for energy drinks. The can was stylish, the taste was sublime, and the kick was up to code. I'm overall impressed with the Sport Energy line and I feel one flavour may even end up appearing on my "best taste list," but it may be too early to say that. While I may prefer Doo Drop because of personal tastes, Fruit Punch is by far one of the more satisfying energy punches I've had...4/5

official site

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