Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sport Energy Doo Drop

A while back I reviewed an obscure energy drink named Sport Energy Tropical. Though I found the kick to be impressive, the taste was nothing to write home about and the can was poorly done. But since then Sport Energy Inc. has revamped the line and released several, I believe, new flavours. While at a long awaited trip to Big Lots, I picked up several of the flavours, and for no particular reason I've decided to start with Doo Drop.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can design to the Sport Energy line has vastly improved since I saw it last. Instead of something in line with 5 Hour Energy the new design features a solid background colour, a slogan, and greatly improved lightning. Though the name "doo drop" is stupid and is hinting towards a certain caffeinated citrus beverage, this is not enough to ruin a pretty good can. The colour is attractive and works well with the lightning, and the "Sports Energy" isn't obnoxiously large like in the original. Since the name is suggests that the flavour will be similar to Mtn. Dew, I'm quite excited to try and review Sports Energy Doo Drop.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour starts out a refreshing lime that suddenly ends with a tart bite. There's a rather light lemon taste that emerges right after the lime. Riding aside the lemon is a mild sour sting that lasts well after the lemon but is stopped dead in its tracks by the tart bite. Doo Drop taste's similar to Rip It Lime Wreaka, but smoother and dryer. Overall, though Sports Energy Doo Drop isn't too complex, the flavour is extremely enjoyable and is miles ahead of its obvious inspiration Mtn. Dew.

KICK: Each can contains: 160mg of caffeine, 2000mg of Taurine, ten mg of guarana, 400% of your daily intake of Vit. B6, sixty mg of Glucuronolactone, ten mg of ginseng, and 200% of your daily intake of Vit. B5, B12, and Niacin. Not only was the taste superior to many other citrus energy drinks but also was the kick. For a steady four hours I had a good amount of energy and was more focused. The buzz was similar to that of a strong coffee, something to get you up in the morning and keep you up 'til your wide awake.

FINALL WORDE: All in all, Sport Energy Doo Drop is a great energy drink. While there were several things about Doo Drop that could of been improved, nothing was too major. The can was attractive, the taste was praiseworthy, and the kick was above average. Doo Drop is a significant improvement over Tropical and is a laudable attempt at creating an energy Mtn. Dew and should be commended for its success. I haven't encountered many lime-dominate products, so I feel that Sport Energy Doo Drop is the paramount of lime energy drinks and for $.60, it is a much better deal than Mtn. Dew...4/5

official site

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