Sunday, December 13, 2009

xenergy Cran Razz

After an almost year long absence, I finally found another flavour in the short but great xenergy line, xenergy Cran Razz. While at a long awaited trip to Big Lots, I was honestly surprised when I found a xenergy flavour. Sadly, Cran Razz was the only flavour they carried, and the amount of cans they had stocked was quite low. But hopefully, Cran Razz will turn out to be a wildly impressive product like its brothers, to keep me occupied until I find another flavour.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can is an improvement over Big Apple, but it isn't terribly great either. The silver tarnishes its attempted "premium" look and the writing quantity is a bit too much. Like a lot of energy drink cans, the company felt the needed to bog the design down with pointless text like "all natural flavours + colours." Why not just put "all natural?" Maybe only the flavours and colours are natural, so they're trying to exploit them through clever marketing? Who knows. Since the line has in the past tasted great and been powerful, and since I really love cranberries, I have to say that I'm really excited to review xenergy Cran Razz.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour begins a fresh raspberry with a mild level of sweetness. Then, a blast of carbonation erases the raspberry, allowing what tastes like recently rinsed cranberries to gain some attention, and then finish the flavour. The blast of carbonation gets lesser with time, adding complexity to each sip. The raspberry is pleasantly tart, where as the cranberry is lacking a good amount of tartness. A combination of sweetness and tartness appear once the cranberry is done with the flavour, creating the only real aftertaste. I didn't find the sweetness to taste artificial, which seems to be a running theme in some of the recent sugar free energy drinks I've had. Both the cranberry and the raspberry impersonate their respected fruits will quite a bit of success, though the raspberry is done better than the cranberry. Overall, while the taste isn't quite as enjoyable as some of the previous xenergy drinks, it's still a thoroughly satisfying flavour.

KICK: Each can contains: 200mg of caffeine, Taurine, glucuronolactone, guarana, panax ginseng, sucralose, inositol, L-carnitine, niacinamide, Vit. B6, B5 and cyancobalamin. Like the previous varieties, xenergy Cran Razz provided a natural and smooth buzz. I felt healthy throughout the four hour experience, and I didn't have any jitters, nor did it end in a crash.

FINAL WORD: I've had a few energy drinks labeled as "premium" in my day, but few taste as good or are as powerful as xenergy Cran Razz. It seems that Xyience inc didn't just spend time on one area, and at least tried to spend the good around the overall product. But sadly, they didn't spread it too evenly, as the can is in need of some major work. For what I paid($.60), I find xenergy Cran Razz to be worth spending the pocket change on...4/5

official site

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