Tuesday, January 5, 2010

925 Power Shot

Back in mid October, I received an email from William Wooten, wondering if I'd like some samples of his companies product, 925 Energy Shot, for review. Like what all caffeine junkies would do, I agreed, but then, months past and no shots, and no word from him. I sent several emails, but I got no replies. Finally, I emailed him in late December, still wondering about the fate of the shots. Surprisingly, I received a reply, an apology, and then about a week later, I had a twelve pack of 925 Shots in the mail. 925 has gotten rave reviews on its taste, and although Headshot Original recently changed my grim out look on the taste of all energy shots, I doubt 925 Power Shot will be worth the wait.

Most energy shots go for either the health store, or the aggressive look, so I'm glad to see that 925 Energy Shot went for something different. The bottle looks sleek, attractive and quite modern. There's not too much text, though I'd rather see a bit less next time. The name "925" stands for nine to five, a typical work day for the employed. Personally, I like the name. It flows well and doesn't feel forced as it fits the overall energy shot theme. 925 Shot supposedly has a "smooth black cherry flavour," and supposedly covers the bitterness. Given my history with two oz. shots, I doubt it will cover the horrid taste of all the ingredients the company crammed in the bottle.

I twisted off the cap and took a sip. The flavour starts out a sour and mild cherry flavour, with a light undercurrent of artificial sweeteners. After the initial flavour, a stronger cherry taste appears, and is constantly fighting a growing sourness to be the main focus. Towards the end of the experience, the sourness gains strength, and once it's done, only a soft abridged cherry is left as an aftertaste. Often varying in power, a cloying sensation is amongst the flavour, but thankfully the cherry and sourness are able to hind most of it. 925 Shot goes down smooth, and isn't the least bit bitter. Because of this, I was able to drink 925 with out the aid water, which is amazing since it's sugar free and two oz. Although it's extremely simple, I actually enjoyed the taste of 925. Though I'm not saying I'd drink 925 Energy Shot purely on taste, for a two oz. shot, you really can't do better.

Each bottle contains: N-Acetyl, L-Tyrosine, L-Citrulline Malate, Glucuronolactone, Maltic Acid, 120mg of caffeine, Inositol, Niacin, Niacinamide, Green Tea, Yerba Mate, Ginseng, D-Calcium Pantothenate, Cyanocobalamin, and Folic Acid. Once consumed, I noticed I had more energy, was more focused, and had a mild case of the jitters. This lasted roughly five hours and once the five hours was over, I felt less awake and alert than before, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it a "crash." Nothing special, but still up to par with other energy shots.

I've recommended several other energy shots before, but from an overall perspective, 925 Energy Shot is one of the better shots for the money. While the bottle and kick may not be the best I've seen, the taste is the best I've come across, and those together help create a terrific product. If I was a regular reader of the site, I'd swear I was paid to write this review, but honestly, 925 Shot deserves to be the energy shot leader, not 5 Hour Energy. Not only is it a bit cheaper at $2.29 a bottle, but it looks much more sophisticated.

official site

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