Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Beaver Buzz Green Melon

Beaver Buzz is a line of energy drinks that I've been trying so hard to find. No stores near me carried it, so after unsuccessfully being able to locate a can on my own, I finally broke down and requested samples of Beaver Buzz from it's parent company. Surprisingly, they agreed and today they arrived. I'm reviewing Beaver Buzz Green Melon first, namely because it's not a common flavour, and that it's the only sixteen oz. variety in the line.

FIRST IMPRESSION: Boy, does that beaver look angry! I don't know why he is, though, because if my head was on an energy drink can, I'd be quite happy. The can too Green Melon is rather clean, and even though there's a good amount of text, it doesn't clutter the can. The colour scheme is mostly bright green with several black strips. I feel the two colours match each other really well, and the green even fits the beaver, as forests are normally green. Though I've had a few energy drinks with melon in the flavour, I believe this is the first energy drink I've seen with melon as it's labeled flavour, so I have no idea what to expect in terms of taste.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour begins a sweet, mildly sour melon, with the sweetness quickly rising, then it dissipates. The melon is very light, clean, and tastes like a real melon, though the high level of sweetness can make it seem more like a melon candy. Being moderate in strength, there's some notes of pear and lemon wondering through out. They're blended together seamlessly, with the pear starting the blend, and the lemon ending it. These flavours overpower the initial melon, but when they begin to fade, the melon becomes more noticeable. While the melon reemerges, it becomes less sweet and rather sour. The experience ends with a sudden sugary and bubbly bite. Green Melon is very smooth, and goes down too quick because of it. Overall, Beaver Buzz Green Melon's taste is similar to Bump's in that they're both hard to describe, and they're both too good to be described. While I'm not saying it's ground breaking, and I know some will disagree, the flavour is an extremely enjoyable break from the norm.

KICK: Each can contains: Taurine, ginseng, 200mg of caffeine, niacin, guarana, inositol, and 204% of your daily intake of Vit. B6, B2, and B12. Once I finished the drink, I noticed I felt slightly more mentally focused than before. It continued to rise for around three and a half hours, then I crashed. It wasn't too major, but the severity of the headache and grogginess I felt was high enough to qualify as a "crash."

FINAL WORD: For quite some time I've been looking for a variety in the Beaver Buzz line, and now to of finally had one, I'm generally impressed. While the kick only met standards, the taste and can both exceeded them. Since Green Melon is the only sixteen oz. flavour in the line(the others are twelve oz.), I'm a little worried on how their kicks will be. But, if they look and taste as good as Melon did, there shouldn't be a problem. I don't think Beaver Buzz Green Melon is a truly exceptional energy drink, but it's a cut above average, and in some cases, it's even a few cuts above average...3.8/5

official site

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