Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sport Beans Assorted Energy Jelly Belly Jelly Bean Review

In addition to featuring the Lemon Lime and Fruit Punch flavors, this assorted bunch of jelly beans also contains Berry and Orange, two varieties not yet reviewed. I will consume the entire packaging for sake of the kick, but only the two new flavors will be examined for taste. The packaging is quite a step above the former versions, bright bursts of yellow looking great on the predominately black bag.

Berry is up first, a disgustingly pungent taste too tart and too busy for its own good. It is not of any one fruit in particular, although you get flaming nuances blue, black, rasp and cranberry, all far too loud for the tiny beans. It is however, enjoyably sweet, grainy and appropriately candy-esque with the tartness quickly withering into a much more congenial confectionery. Then there was orange, its smooth shell shattering without much persuasion. Your mouth is flashed with the forceful flavors of orange, sour with honesty with scintillating soda sweetness. Tangerine provides decent depth as the dominate ebbs, a real treat in a bag of disappointment.

Each pouch sports vitamin C, a few of the B ones, electrolytes, and carbohydrates. There is no caffeine unfortunately, and will perk you up only on a sugar rush. To end, do not buy this mix tape of jelly beans; buy the Orange and Fruit Punch varieties if any at all.

official site

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