Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Clif Shot Bloks Black Cherry Energy Chew Review

Not falling into my usual definition of a "shot," these "Bloks" are the first Clif product reviewed here, and my spellchecker absolutely hates them. Its packaging is long and thin, withholding six chews with a grand total of 100 milligrams of caffeine. It is a quantity far from the most impressive, but honestly more than expected when examined in the exercise section of the local Wal Mart.

These are cough drop sized lovelies with the texture of gummy worms, only a whole heck of a lot stickier. You have to literally pull them off of your teeth, deep purple candies that melt with little persuasion and behave much like you would expect a child's confection to. The flavor is strong with even a little tartness to boot, however all the sugar provides a dynamite sugary rush that sweetens the cherry almost too much so. There is caffeine from green tea, although you would never know so just by tasting it. This is a strict black cherry affair who's simplicity is brilliant, even if the flavor itself is not.

Twenty four grams of sugar and the aforementioned amount of my namesake make for a buzz most pedestrian. Maybe it lasts an hour, maybe a little more, but no caffeine-junkie is gonna get their fix here. If anything, it is a break from things stronger (see what I did there?! Ya know, fix, break- forget it).

official site

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