Monday, June 24, 2013

Muscle Monster Chocolate Energy Shake Review

Visually not dissimilar to the coffee flavor favorably reviewed last month, this is the third and final Muscle Monster. Chocolate is a logical choice but leaves the aforementioned feeling a pinch out of place, unless these were all coffee flavored, I cannot help but feel strawberry would have made more sense. But regardless, this is a point that should have came up during its review.

Nearly a paste, this stiff substance pours out of the can at a pace that would made snails roll their eyes. It has an expectingly delicious creaminess and is sweet with reason, a firm solution that is never cloying. It does become almost too rich, but in the way only the best milk shakes do. In case you almost forgot, this time around the flavor is chocolate, but it is disappointingly shoal without the depth it should have. It ends up acting sorta as the middle ground between the former Vanilla and Coffee versions, tasting like a diluted hybrid of the two. My least favorite of the Muscle Monsters for sure, but I would not be surprised to find myself buying another can sometime.

Each can contains: caffeine (152 milligrams), ginseng, taurine, inositol, guarana, and B vitamins. The kick lasts a decent two or so hours, but the flavor and its confection quality makes this a hard sell at the gym, and in general.

official site

1 comment:

  1. I actually like the shake. It is not a thick paste at all but it is milk/diary based. Nice to finally have an energy drink that I don't feel so bad about drinking (25 mg or protein). Plus, this one gives me a little euphoria unlike the regular monster drinks.
