Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Cocaine Mild Energy Drink Review

The novel name is juvenile today, with none of the controversial creativity it had during its debut. The small can is clean but boring, with text difficult to read and without much else. Acquired recently for a tall five bucks, it was the drink's rarity that stimulated my purchase, not its banausic transport.

Fruity aromatics of berries pour out of the tiny can, followed by a flavor namely of raspberry with the kick of cinnamon. The former thrives with some cranberry nuance, blessed briefly by notes of peach and pear. The spice is numbed compared to the original, but still ever present, a bite that imaginatively burns the tongue with each enjoyable sip. Sweet but far from cloying, every fruit impersonated tastes tender, both candied and natural. Consistently familiar yet never pedestrian, Cocaine Mild is an experience who's sole fault is its restricted size.

It is its 280 milligrams of caffeine we care about, not the taurine, inositol, guarana, or any of the B vitamins present. The potency is legendary and still holds up today, a four plus hour kick that hits you faster than anything this side of an energy shot. And if viewed as a giant one, then Cocaine Mild's one mistake is its tacky image.

official site

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