Monday, November 25, 2013

Hydrive Blue Raspberry Energy Drink Review

Easily an improvement, Hydrive Blue Raspberry is eons kinder on the eyes than it was back when we met last in 2011. The aforementioned color truly shines thanks to the ample amount of contrast, although the baby blue belt does obscure most of its white text at a quick glance.

The ice cold juices splash my palate with initially nothing, that is until it washes further down my tongue. Now there is an acute tartness to the expected blue raspberry flavor, sovereignly sweet but not quite confectionary. The fruit plays alone on the palate, a solitary flavor that crumbles in an aquatic cascade as one generously sips. Neither commandingly candied nor natural, the experience is incessantly interesting, one that makes you think while leisurely indulging. Its texture is disinteresting however, thin and watery with none of the grainy goodness of the original. But still, this quiet revision of perhaps the line's greatest product is nevertheless enjoyable.

The buzz here lasts under three hours, mild and nothing either the line or other drinks have not seen before. Each bottle contains: caffeine (195 milligrams), B vitamins, yerba mate, and taurine. On the whole, Hydrive Blue Raspberry as good as its predecessor, but never significantly better.

official site

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