Friday, June 16, 2023

Java Monster Vanilla Light Energy Coffee Review

What am I doing here? Java Monster Vanilla Light was a disappointing entry in the line, so why revisit it? It have a few more grams of caffeine? According to my original review it does. But is that all? Well, who knows, but we do see its can has not gotten better with age. It is no different, save for some new text here and old text moved there. The dreary white hurts eyes who look for too long, clean but of bleached melancholy.

Your mouth is impressed at first contact with the Caucasian concoction, albeit briefly. Each diet sip does not grip the tongue as it leisurely paints palates of a creamy nuance. Instead each sip skims the tongue, its attenuate viscosity guaranteeing against any ounce of lard from locking on to the muscle and staining it of its pined unctuousness. Any vanilla is lost in the wateriness, deceiving documentation behind the barely sweet sweetness and fatless fattiness. Sure, there is some fat here, a surprising three grams, two even being saturated, but saturated in what? Water?! A depthless drink, a dull diluted drink without climax, a disgustingly deficient experience of how never to make an energy coffee. You want a low calorie coffee? You drink it black.

Each can contains vitamins, caffeine (185 milligrams), taurine, ginseng, inositol, guarana and others. Any energy should last just south of three and a half hours, a pretty solid kick for any brand. On the whole, Java Monster Vanilla Light is the kind of awful you would not feel bad about pawning it off onto unsuspecting friends to vomit up. Its almost a "so bad it is good" sort of experience, except for drinks, if it is bad, it is just bad.

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