Saturday, June 24, 2023

Lighter Spider Mimic Energy Drink Review

Lighter Spider Mimic has one of the best cans I have seen all year; it has just enough chaos without being busy, but still looks fairly svelte. The common arachnophobia gives the beverage's theme enough edge, and its slogan, "Big Bite, No Fright," is just great.

Vanilla introduces the experience, with a heavy dosing of apple and a dash of spice. The trilogy of tastes are mundane but balanced, a boring blending of familiar tastes that is nevertheless proportioned. Acidity is low key upon the initial greeting of flavor and tongue, but does pick up as the experience is experienced. Acesulfame potassium and sucralose are the sweetener system here, a tired-and-true team who do some real mediocre work here, while never tasting artificial or repulsive, never doing more than their job. Its effervescence is what kills it, it is a bland, leadened carbonation that fails to inspire and excite the experience out of its humdrum complacency.

Each can contains: taurine, l-carnitine, ginseng, green tea, guarana, lots of B vitamins, and 240 milligrams of caffeine. The last one there, ya know, the caffeine, put a huge smile on my face; it is refreshing to find a company who consistently caffeinates its drinks. (I am looking at you, Monster!) Overall, although Lighter Spider Mimic is open with its insipid inspiration, it remains very insipid.

company site

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