Wednesday, January 17, 2024

NOS Cherried Out Energy Drink Review

With a name like "Cherried Out," you would be right to assume that this NOS variety is a refurbishment of their earlier offering "Loaded Cherry." However identical, well, nearly identical, a quick glance at the list of ingredients divulges a massive disappointment; the caffeine content has been reduced by 100 milligrams, down to 160 mg. With such minor alterations to the can (namely shifts in text), it is a shame that the company diluted one of the brand's strongest selling-points.

The flavor is a friendly reminder as to why I liked the aforementioned "Loaded Cherry" variety all those years ago- Cherried Out tastes largely the same. There is still that potent flavor of cherry, deeper than a macro energy drink has any right tasting. It is a deep, dark venture into the vigorous and nuanced world of the stone fruit, but it grows bogged down in its own intricacy, a cocktail of sweet and black cherries, but it is a mixture far from balanced. For every sugary sip is a devilishly tart undercurrent, where the ugly characteristic of high fructose corn syrup, fifty three grams of it, alongside sucralose, rumbles through the otherwise velvet mouthfeel with the gritty, syrupy texture of the caloric sweetener. It is a flavor on the cusp of a recommendation- there is a lot to like here, but too many other cherry drinks have success where this NOS struggles.

Each can contains B vitamins, taurine, inositol, guarana, and 160 milligrams of caffeine. I have already expressed my disappointment in the stimulant's reduced presence compared to past varieties. The buzz lasts a generic two hours, a kick that you have been kicked by countless times. On the whole, NOS Cherried Out is an average cherry energy drink with muted ambitions and an even less rewarding execution.

company site

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