Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Dunkin' Coffee Cake Muffin Iced Coffee Review

The irony of a coffee cake (muffin) flavored coffee is not lost on me, but one wishes Dunkin' played into the silliness. Instead, the can has all the personality of a half-empty store at 2:14pm in New England, which I suppose was the only way that really make sense. The fonts and colors are familiar to anyone who has ever even seen a location, but gosh is it busy, requiring more reading than the ingredient list of one of their actual coffee cake muffins.

The Caffeine King has experienced one previous cinnamon coffee before in the form of Starbucks Doubleshot Cinnamon Dulce way back in 2009, which is funny when you consider they are competitors! But like in the real world, Dunkin' ain't got nothing on its more pretentious and expensive enemy. Mouthfuls are fatty but unsatisfying, the dairy smacking your palate for all but a moment before apologizing and trying to fade into the background. As for the cinnamon, there certainly is some here but it has absolutely no spunk, tasting old and metallic like it was found in one of those nasty tins of pre-ground sawdust your grandma still has in her cabinet from the 1970's. It does not have the fire that you expect from the bark, the experience settling for simply sweet. I mean hey, it makes some sense considering this is based on a coffee cake muffin, only without the dense, moist texture of an actual baked good. As for coffee, because yeah this is a RTD coffee at the end of the day, do not go expecting much outside the occasional touch of bitterness that sometimes somehow escapes the saccharine dominance.

We have 141 milligrams of caffeine, but who cares? This is not marketed as an energy coffee, and so anything above the eighty milligram mark is just overkill. Why am I so upset at more of my namesake chemical? Because the visuals and taste (and price, honestly) do not justify such a mediocre buzz. It is the only aspect here that comes close to being fulfilling, and even then, it only just hits the mark. All in all, this is crap and I am tired of reviewing crap

Dear companies, stop producing crap.Thank you, sincerely, The Caffeine King.

company site

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