Monday, January 1, 2024

Gorgie Sparkling Paradise Punch Energy Drink Review

I love it when an energy drink has "best served chilled," or some variation of that on the can: like who is out there imbibing on warm potent potables?! In any event, Gorgie's can here is shrink-wrapped on, which feels especially cheap around the top-most lip, where it runs the risk of slicing open my poor mouth parts. Oh well.

There is hardly a flavor I prefer over fruit punch, maybe lime or perhaps pineapple, and Gorgie's scent scratches me right where I itch. But as for flavor, there is a cardinal sin committed: mouthfuls climax in a watery torrent of blandness, carbonation quickly fading to insinuate the sensation of sipping on a still flavored water. The effervescence is easily the biggest issue here, as even when you take that initial gulp, you wonder if perhaps the words "filtered carbonated water" is a misprint on the ingredients label- it is that flat. The fruit punch portion of is surprisingly good though, with all the usual suspects like cherry, lime and guava, nothing supremely surprisingly here, but it gets the job done. I cannot get over the bland finish though, knocking this drink down a few pegs below decent.

The 150 milligrams of caffeine we have here is a nice touch, granting a solid three hour long buzz. We also have various B vitamins, but I ain't "The B Vitamin King."

company site

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