Saturday, April 29, 2023

Monster Ultra Strawberry Dreams Energy Drink Review

At some point, Monster will run out of fruits to exploit with their "Ultra" sub-brand, but for now, we have to settle with second-tier energy drink flavors like today's offering of strawberry. That is not a slight to strawberries mind you, and to avoid getting myself into trouble, let us just say that there is a reason why potent potables seldom feature such a flavor.

It is also worth noting that the back of the can proudly proclaims the produce's purported part in Valentine's day, um, fun, yet I did not spot a can until recently. Monster, you can apologize by sending me some actual aphrodisiacs.

There are some things that simply do not translate well to a sixteen ounce experience; every sip is sorely lacking the subtly to fully exploit the bright flavor of the red flesh. It crashes the palate's but arrives without any fruit backup, so gulp after gulp you are left wondering if perhaps some pineapple or hell, some lemon, could have helped. But the biggest issue is the acidity, which has a a sort of dairy-twang to it, like a carbonated yogurt. Erythritol and sucralose sweeten but are unable to combat the tartness in any meaningful way; the use of honest carbohydrates could have worked wonders here, providing texture to help distance mouthfuls from its snafued sourness. This just is not that pleasant to consume.

We get 150 milligrams of caffeine, a fine amount but not enough to reward you for stomaching such an uninteresting taste. The buzz lasts two hours and, oh yeah, there is also some B vitamins, taurine, ginseng, and others. In the end, Monster Ultra Strawberry Dreams is more of a nightmare.

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