Friday, August 11, 2023

Gatorade Fast Twitch Orange Energy Drink Review

Does it make sense for Gatorade to enter the energy drink market? I dunno, but it sure makes for one hell of a conversation piece, if you can find someone who cares. As for me, I cannot get past its lackluster packaging, from the ugly combination of orange and green that just sears the eyes with its ungainliness.

The flavor is fortunately far better than the brand's Cool Blue version, but that means little when you remember just how awful that potable was. The non-carbonated elixir bathes the tongue with a most stereotypical orange taste you can imagine, a saccharinity from sole sweetener sucralose that succumbs to the acidic insufficiency; the sourness so desperately needs a shot of excitement to shock this otherwise lifeless liquid into something worth sipping. I gulped ounce after ounce and wished it was almost anything else.

The brand's 200 milligrams of caffeine is a lifesaver when you realize just how unappetizing and ugly this is. Expect a buzz in the ballpark of three hours, but during that time you just sit there and think back to how much you had to suffer through to get that stimulant feeling flow throughout your body, and ask yourself: was it worth it?

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