Thursday, August 3, 2023

Mtn Dew Flamin' Hot Soda Review

Someone needs to tell Mtn Dew to calm down- it feels like every week they release some crazy new product, but this takes the cake. A spicy soda? No thank you. But I believe in full-service reviews here at The Caffeine King, so "sorry" to my palate but "you are welcome" to readers. The packaging is wild in the best possible way, yet its bright red coloring feels at odds with its citrus sub-flavoring.

Whether or not I prepared for the worst or I was just plain wrong, but things are significantly less "hot" than I feared. Well actually hold on a sec, I am finishing my first mouthful here and- blech, yuck, this is nasty and if I could I would erase that first sentence. The rear of my throat burns with the heat unlike a pepper and more like a cinnamon candy or perhaps fireball whisky, it sticking to my palate, never yielding to any subsequent sip. Seventy three grams of sugar, all added and all from high fructose corn syrup, only intensifies the unpleasant sensation by thickening the texture to the point of carbonated sludge. As for the initial flavor, before the grody aftertaste, it is an unsophisticated lemon/lime hybrid that has minimal changes from base Mtn Dew. What else am I supposed to say? How about this: if I was not an honest critic, I would dump the remaining ounces down the sink, burn the bottle and never speak of this again.

With nearly a day and a half worth of the suggested intake of sugar, finishing an entire bottle is not only unsavory but also unhealthy. But hey, who here reads a Mtn Dew review expecting health advise? As for us caffeine kings, queens and all members of the royal family, there is ninety one milligrams, a solid amount for something lacking the word "energy" on the packaging. Overall and probably unsurprisingly, this drink sucks.

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