Saturday, October 21, 2023

Red Bull The Winter Edition Pear Cinnamon Energy Drink Review

Red Bull must be stopped; not only is their 2023's "The Winter Edition" already on store shelves (it is not even Halloween yet), but the flavor is pear... cinnamon? And according to the can, it is artificially flavored! Yeah yeah sure I like the deep crimson coloring but I mean, what is next? Eggnog? Balsam furn?

No no no, Caffeine King, do not go and give them ideas.

With the narrow spout used for sipping cracked, my nose was excited at the highly fragranced elixir inside these aluminum walls. Pear and cinnamon may appear on the outside of the can but the scent is pure apples, specifically Red Delicious. And I do not mean those gnarly little orbs you find in the grocery store: I mean the large, hefty specimens one only finds hand-picked off the tree at an orchard mid autumn. The first sip simultaneously assuages my fears and matches my nostrils' enthusiasm: the company again knocked it out of the park. I can taste the slight earthiness of the bright red peel, rumbling just beneath the cotton-white flesh of juicy sweetness and understated acidity. This is, without question, one of the most respectful apple energy drinks I have ever had, even if it does not want to admit it. I gulped and gulped my way through the twelve ounces on offer here and I cannot detect any pear or any cinnamon, and you know what, for once I am happy with the deceit. If anything, it was a little slice of commercialism wrapped up as an early Christmas gift.

I have no idea why the company continues to push something with just 114 milligrams of caffeine, but here we are. The buzz is pretty sad if you compare to, well, anything else on the market that has cropped up since the Bang brand took the potent potable world by storm, but oh well. The two hours you get here is fine, I guess, but a blend of some vitamins and taurine is nothing special anymore. Overall, Red Bull The Winter Edition Pear Cinnamon continues the company's tradition of making surprising and exciting holiday beverages. I dunno about you, but I am looking forward to 2024.

company site

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