Sunday, December 24, 2023

Zoa Dwanta's Holiday Punch Energy Drink Review

My brother-in-law, a big fan of Zoa Energy, affectionately refers to them as "Dwayne's," and now, well, here's Zoa "Dwanta's" Holiday Punch. It is a Festivus miracle!

Anyway, the can here is not exactly "good" but it is playful and pleasant, and honestly, I am kinda just happy that there exists a Christmas energy drink outside of, oh I dunno, Red Bull's yearly "Winter" drinks. But the Santa-with-muscles looks about as much like Dwayne as I look like said brother-in-law.

Of course, everyone knows that on The Caffeine King we have already reviewed the company's "Tropical Punch," but without a can for comparison, who knows if this is simply a repackaging. It certainly smells better than that beverage did, with an indistinct fruitiness that is more playful than spoiled pouring out from the open can. The flavor is front-loaded with cherry, backed up by guava, cranberry and a touch of lemon. I wish the latter brought with it more acidity, but hey that is on me: I did not put it on my holiday wishlist. Sucralose and ace-k sweeten but there is this herbal funk that occupies a large portion towards the back of your tongue, something more in-line with monk fruit extract or Stevia than the synthetic sugars we have here. But with just twelve ounces on offer, the aluminum transport is depleted just before it becomes an issue. But it is a taste that should not be here, unless Dwanta here is insinuating I have been naughty this year.

160 milligrams of caffeine is... fine, I guess, but The Rock is supposed to be this big, larger-than-life personality that I honestly doubt such a standard quantity of the stimulant would do much for him. Or for me for that matter, but hey, what do I matter? I am just the critic. Humbug.

company site

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