Monday, February 26, 2024

Sprecher Charged Lemonade Original Energy Drink Review

The can is a weird one, a naked aluminum can with its label stickered on, all while sporting some astonishingly low-rent (and res) images of lemons. It is so wild that, when first spotted at my local dollar store, I thought this was some cheap canned juice instead of an energy drink- oh I am sorry, I meant "caffeinated sparkling drink."

It has been a long time since a straight-up lemonade, let alone one using caloric sugars, has graced The Caffeine King, and yet Sprecher's failings has nothing to do with its respect to the citrus and absolutely everything to do with the absolute dearth of a proper effervescence. When I see the word "sparkling," I expect a carbonation to punch my palate through my teeth, damaging my roots and all, and yet this is about as still an experience as your grandma's pitcher of freshly squeezed lemonade. That is a shame not only because of the broken promises, but also because the actual flavor is fabulous! Now, I am a pushover for flavors like this, but the presence of real juice concentrate brings a level of freshness to every sip, while the use of high fructose corn syrup, and all its syrupiness, helps add a certain innocence to things, like something a child would sip on on the hottest day of the year. It is just such a shame the bubbles are as leaden as, well, actual lead.

All we get is 140 milligrams of caffeine, which is, I dunno, fine, I suppose. I wish there was something here a little stronger to help curb off all the empty calories, and resulting sugar rush, but actually, it does not matter. It is not like it would have staved off the mediocrity.

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