Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Celsius Arctic Vide Energy Drink Review

Celsius is one of those long-running energy drinks that you are always surprised to see pumping out new products. I have reviewed these drinks for over the last decade, never walking away terribly impressed, but today's "Arctic Vibe" variety does sport a better can than they historically offered. (I mean, just look at their Apple Orchard drink!) There is still waay too much text, but the color scheme is attractive, and there is a sense of forward momentum as my eyes dart about.

"Sparkling Frozen Berry Edition" claims the can, but what the hell does that mean? It means this is your basic berry beverage, predominately blue raspberry with a bit of grape, a flavor profile lifted directly from the far superior Rockstar Zero Carb. What makes that drink better? For starters, the sourness succumbs to the synthetic sweetener sucralose, only able to jolt the experience with the necessary acidity the first moment the liquid crashes down on your tongue. From then on, the mouthful is just sweet, the tartness killed without a funeral in its honor. Then there is the "sparkling" moniker, which is a lie if I have ever heard one. Effervescence is muted, the thousands if not millions of bubbles only gently pounding your palate; it is far too tame for such a description!

We are still dealing with the accusation that this will burn calories, which sure, I am not familiar with the science behind it, but I will buy it. If that is the case however, why aren't more products like this? Anyway, the buzz, thanks to a cool 200 milligrams of caffeine, lasts a solid three hours easy. Additional ingredients taurine, vitamins, ginger, guarana, and others. On the whole, Celsius Arctic Vibe is not vibin'.

company site

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