Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Rowdy Chiseled Ice Energy Drink Review

"Chiseled Ice" is a fabulously loony suggested flavor, but the can does not seem to understand its potential. What I imagine is a six-pack muscle on some frozen sculpture; instead we get text on a white background. It is so boring! Aside from some stylized wording, design elements just sit there. It is too verbose to achieve the minimalist look it so desperately desires.

What could this taste like, vanilla maybe? That is what I thought, and I am still not entire sure I was wrong. What we have here is a classic example of the vague citrus, mostly lemon but its forgotten in a sea of misty sourness. Raspberry can be found lurking in the tartness, but it amounts to nothing in the grand scheme of the potation. That is not a bad thing, but the experience is so one dimensional that you sip with a mission to find something else going on, and there is not. The most creative thing here is its mouthfeel, which has a sort of creamy texture with a carbonation that would not be amiss in an energy coffee, had this any actual cream mind you. Is it vanilla? I do not know, and frankly I am not interested in figuring it out.

160 milligrams of caffeine provides a satisfying but expected kick, lasting almost three hours. Other ingredients include several vitamins, electrolytes and others. In the end, Rowdy Chiseled Ice needed something that I cannot place my tongue on, but as of now it is incomplete.

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