Thursday, February 5, 2009

GURU Juicy Tangerine

Looking in my mini fridge for some quick energy I grabbed GURU Juicy Tangerine, one(1) of the last GURU's I have left. Now, so far, the GURU line has been pretty impressive, though Honey Lemon Green Tea was pretty bad, though that's just because of my hate towards tea. But today I going to review the Tangerine variety today, mainly because I haven't reviewed one(1) in a while. I had a pattern when I got the GURU and Starbucks, it went, "GURU, Starbucks, GURU, random, Starbucks", and so on. But then, I said fuck the pattern and reviewed what ever, and not reviewing another GURU for a while. But today ends that streak, because I'm reviewing GURU Juicy Tangerine. Wow, I was able to waste a whole intro by saying a lot of the same things, over and over again. I hope my (non existing)readers won't catch that little cheat I just used. Yeah, other than me pretty much telling you I jipped you, you guys will never know...

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can, I feel, is only decent. While the orange tells you its gonna be an "orange-like" tasting drink, it just isn't all that appealing. And the white gives the impression that its gonna be more of an orange creamsicle, while the top clearly states that its "tangerine" flavoured. I have to say, that judging by the can, that this is the GURU that least excites me, despite "tangerine" being a citrus, and as we all know, the Caffeine King loves his citrus...3/5

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. First thing I notice is this, real tangerine fruit taste, that's not too sweet, but just right. Though it lacks in originality that the other GURU's had, its still one(1) of the best tasting orange drinks I've had in a while. The non-carbonation really adds to the juice-likeness that GURU Juicy Tangerine tries to reincarnate. The Other than the tangerine, there's also some mild navel orange taste to it, though its more noticeable at the end. The tangerine is sharp, and has some mild grapefruit and lime flavours mixed in. Overall, while I do like the taste of GURU Juicy Tangerine, its simply not as original as the other flavours in the GURU line-up...4/5

KICK: Each can contains: guarana, caffeine, ginseng, and ginko. wait a minute, "ginko?" What the fucks ginko. Ha, the Geico Ginko, Gex, the platforming Ginko, oh watch out, those evil Ginko's might get Pamela Gidley in the movie Aberration, and Wiesmann cars "stick to the road like ginkos to a wall". Okay, that's enough for the crappy jokes. Anyway, after drinking the whole can, I felt much more alert, and focus, even though I have a cold. Its not a chemical induced, acid filled buzz, more of a healthy buzz, that's sure to wake you up, but not too awake...4/5

FINAL WORD: All and all, I feel that GURU Juicy Tangerine, while not too innovative, was a good extension to the line. GURU Juicy Tangerine is a perfect example of an energy drink that doesn't present anything new to the market, but is still a great overall drink. Though, it makes me wonder, why would GURU, after making several "unique" flavours, decide to go with an average flavour? What were they thinking? Its like they said, "People love all the unique flavours we offer, what? Whats out next flavour? Oh, that's easy, its orange." It just makes no sense to me. Its like the Bubsy video game series. The first three(3) games were great, then they said, "well, people seem to like Bubsy so far, so lets make a shitty sequel." Despite this, the drink is a great extention to the GURU line and I can't wait for the last GURU review, GURU Original...4/5

official site

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