Friday, February 6, 2009

rip it POWER Re-Review

If any of you have been following me since my first reviews, not only do you know that they sucked, but that I really liked the rip it company. Hell, my first energy drink review was rip it Gin-Zing-R and I shortly reviewed every rip it variety I could find(except Sting-R-mo, which I still can't find...). But slowly but surly, I stopped drinking rip it, to try new energy drinks. Then a couple months passed by with out a rip it, so I decided that I needed to get my hands on one(1) soon. So when I was at the local Dollar Tree, I ran to the energy drink cooler and grabbed the closest rip it I could and bought it without hesitation, and its been sitting in my mini fridge until today, where I open it with all the memories of me drinking rip it rushing into my head at once... *Sniff, I'm sorry, I-I need a minute...

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can has a generic trait to it. Its decent at best, and does nothing to differentiate itself from the other energy drinks, which I guess, can't always be a bad thing. I do like the design of the crazy "X" though, its cool. I don't know what flavour "Power" is. Is there some weird language that I never learned? Other than English, I don't know any other language, well, other than my own language. Well, its more of a code than a language. You take any word, and say it, and spell it backwards. People back talk at you like your some kinda freak, but you don't care, they're not speaking your language...3/5

TASTE: I opened the can and took a medium-sized gulp. First(1st) thing that I notice is this seltzer-like peach flavour with some minor hints of berry like the one(1) found in Jones Energy. Its not too sweet, but just right. I also notice some mild grapefruit, lingering at the end of every sip. Overall, I really like the taste of rip it power. Its a very unique flavour, GURU unique. Yeah, its that unique. I've never, with all the 120+ energy drinks I've reviewed, have I had a similar tasting energy drink. Overall, I'm pleasantly surprised with the taste of rip it power. Though sixteen(16) oz. may be too much for one(1) sitting...4/5

POWER: Each can contains: 200% of vitamin's C, B6, B12, B9, 2000mg of Taurine, 180mg of Caffeine, and twenty(20)% of Guarana. This combination of ingredients provided me with a long wanted killer buzz, where my heart began to beat rapidly, I began sweating and twitching for a good four(4) hours before I began to get really exhausted. Overall, the kick was great, providing that the last great chemical caused kick was when I reviewed Sugar Free Push It, way back on Tuesday, January 13, 2009. Like I said in the Sugar Free Push It review, though the ingredients are standard, the blend is still potent...4.3/5

FINAL WARD: My memories for rip it power were correct in the sense of the taste and kick. Both of them were great, which isn't all too common now a days. Take amp for example, it tasted great, but the kick was more disappointing than the forth(4th) Indiana Jones movie, while Red Devil tasted horrible, the kick rocked. But rip it power is one(1) of those special energy drinks, where both the kick AND taste were good. And I'm not letting nostalgia helping this drinks rating. I have never, nor will I ever let nostalgia, or anything else get in the way of telling you how a drink is. But still, being that rip it power was the first energy drink I ever had, it still has its charm...3.9/5

official site

1 comment:

  1. Dude, how does it taste like anything but mandarin orange? Peach? No way.
