FIRST IMPRESSION: I have to say that I like the can. Everything about its attractive. The slogans, the name and the Devil's super hero cousin. I also like the color red, so the can gets kudos from me. Though I don't like the fact than the words "Drink Ice Cold" is in so many languages. Number one(1), its not directions to a TV remote, and number two(2), WE"RE IN AMERICA! Why the hell have it in multiple languages? Premium my ass. Well, some things well just never know...4/5
TASTE: All rise for Judge Philip. Defendant one(1), what is your case? "A drink for you to try." Bailiff, bring said drink to me. Oh no... not this shit again. It smells like throw up. The smell that's infamous with Hansen's Energy Deuce. Though nothing can ever smell worse than Hansen's, this is pretty high up there. Lets just hope that the taste isn't-god damn it, I had to take a sip. It taste very similar to Hansen's, but Red Devil is much lighter and almost drinkable. It is a slight Red Bull clone. I say this because it has some light berry flavour, and kinda taste's like honey as the drink sits in your mouth. The drink does get better with time. The more you drink, the better it tastes(though it never gets "good"). Over all, I'm pretty, if not seriously, disappointed with this drink. I personally think that the "World's Best Tasting Energy Drink" claim wasn't true for my taste buds. I think that, because of its "Devil" can art, that it should of tasted like the Devil's semen... oh wait... it did!...2/5
KICK: Well, as the web site reads, each can of Red Devil contains untold amounts of: Vitamin C, Riboflavin B2, Niacin B3, Pantothenic Acid B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Taurine, and Caffeine. I also really like how the site says that B-Vitamins "Combats Symptons of Depression", that just makes me laugh(And spelled "symtons incorrectly I might add... its Symptoms). Like they expect depressed people to drink there drink. Anyway,I will say that, despite the taste, in true fashion of Hansen's Energy Deuce, gave me one(1) wild kick. I felt jittery and, and started to see things...oh, maybe that's because of the bag of cat nip I just smoked...4/5
FINAL WERD: Ehh, I'm really not understanding the praise that this drink got. I understand that other people have other taste's than me, but... that different taste? I just can't imagine. Overall, I feel that they spent too much time on the kick, the can and not enough on the flavour, the one thing that madder's most to me. Wait... can it be? After ten(10) or so reviews, I finally found a down right crappy drink?!?!? That's it Witch Doctor, your curse is uplifted. I will suffer from good tasting energy drinks no longer. Ha Ha..2.6/5
official site
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