Sunday, February 8, 2009

Starbucks doubleshot Coffee

The last of the four(4) Starbucks I received a while back is "coffee", or as I call it, "original," and to be perfectly honest, I'm not too excited to review it. I say this because the last two(2) flavours, french vanilla and mocha, have been disappointments. Cinnamon Dulce was great, which lead to high expectations for the others, which neither of them met. Yet, there's a small chance that Starbucks last variety, "coffee," could meet, or even exceed those expectations, a small chance...

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can reminds me a lot of mocha's can, except a little darker. Overall, the cans my favorite of all the Starbucks varieties, but that isn't saying a whole lot. The riveting effect isn't as noticeable, which makes it a whole lot less distracting. I think that the taste is gonna be like Java Monster Big Black, well, at least I hope it will...3.7/5

TASTE: I opened the can, and just like Frappio, it exploded all over me. I took a sip, and let it sit for a while. First thing I notice is a roasted coffee flavour, that soon dulls down to a lighter, more creamy taste. It isn't very sweet, which is either good or bad, depending on who's drinking it. The taste is good, surprisingly, but not as good as Dulce. Not great, but just, good. I find it surprisingly hard to drink, despite it not being too sweet. There's also some weird aftertaste to it, which is apparently from sucrose, which isn't all that appetizing. Overall, I feel that Starbucks doubleshot Coffee is a pretty good coffee drink, but its plagued by a weird after taste and non-drink ability...3.4/5

KICK: Just like the other Starbucks drinks before it, I received little above the standard buzz. This is because each can contains only: Espresso Coffee, Reduced Fat Milk, Skim Milk, Sugar, Natural Flavor, Taurine, Panax Ginseng Root, Inositol, Guarana Seed Extract, Sucrose, Caramel Color, Riboflavin, and only 146mg of caffeine. Why only 146mg of caffeine? Who made this, Starbucks or Full Throttle? You'd think for an energy+coffee, it would contain more caffeine than most energy drinks, but no, it contains less than most energy drinks. Though on par with the rest of the Starbucks energy coffee's, its still not the best...3.9/5

FINAL WORD: Overall, I find that Starbucks doubleshot Coffee was a little above average, but still unimpressive. I really wanted to love the Starbucks line, I really did. But each drink seemed to disappoint me in some way. Now, it might seem like I'm being hard on the Starbucks line. I mean, none of them were necessarily bad, its just with a name like Starbucks, you'd expect them to be better. A similar thing happened with Venom. Being that it was made by Dr Pepper, I was expecting a great beverage, but what I got was a mediocre Red Bull clone. Either way, a decent beverage all around, but nothing but decent...3.5/5

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