Monday, February 9, 2009


The last GURU that I still haven't reviewed is the original GURU. When I first(1st) received the drinks, I had the dilemma of deciding which drink to review first(1st), but then it hit me, the only logical thing was to review Superfruit first(1st), and end with the original, so that's what I was brought down to earth today to do, review the original GURU.

FIRST IMPRESSION: Personally, this is by far the best GURU can. The black, red, and silver work well in the boomerang-like design. But there is one thing that bugs me, and its not just on this can, its on several others, is the little "energy supplement" written above the "12 fl oz." Why not just say "energy drink," why "energy supplement?" It would take less time to write, thus saving them money... "What, we can save money, hell, we got plenty of money, lets just waste in on putting more letters than what's required"...4.1/5

TASTE: When I opened the can, I took a whiff, and was greeted by the scent of an amp and Red Bull mixture. When the ice cold liquid hit my mouth, I was greeted by a Sweet Tart taste like in Ole', only not quite as strong. It's rather sweet, with out being too sweet. It tastes more like Ole' than Go Fast did, which is an improvement. After a couple of sips, you realize that it goes down very fast, similar to RockStar Juiced. Overall, I really like the flavour of the original GURU, though it might be because of my love of Ole'...4.7/5

KICK: Each can contains: water, organic white grape juice concentrate, organic cane juice concentrate, lemon juice concentrate, natural flavors, guarana seed extract, 125mg of naturally occurring caffeine, panax ginseng root extract, and ginkgo biloba leaf extract. This blend gave me a healthy buzz, just like the other GURU's. I felt more focused and alert, but I didn't feel like running a marathon, but I did feel like completing a math-a-thon. ..4/5

FINAL WERD: All and all, I'm rather sad to have finished the GURU line. When I first(1st) received them, I was so excited to review them, but now since all six(6) are reviewed, I wish I could go back in time and do it all again. Or GURU could just come out with some new flavours and send them to me, either one(1) would do. Or, GURU could let me make my own flavours, yeah, that would be cool. I would make a variety of flavours, such as the classic meat, A-1 Steak Sauce, mint, Black Mamba, and water flavoured energy drinks. Together, we could make millions...4.3/5

official site

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