Friday, February 13, 2009

Joker Mad Energy + Juice Re-Review

When I got home today, I remembered that I haven't reviewed an energy drink since Monday, and that I was seriously due for a review. So I grabbed the first energy drink I could see in whats left of my once tall and mighty energy drink puddle, and it happened to be Joker Mad Energy + Juice. Now, I have already reviewed Joker + Juice, but I really like re-reviewing energy drinks, it gives me a chance of correcting my earlier mistakes when I first reviewed a drink, and the mistakes I made in my original Joker + Juice are obvious, painfully obvious. I barley described the taste, and I didn't include a kick overview. So I decided to stick with re-reviewing Joker + Juice, but, will I improve on the review, or will I rip you off yet again...

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can, isn't too impressive. I like the original Joker can, but the design just doesn't work well with orange. One(1) thing that bugs me is that the same thing is written on the side of the can as the original Joker. Why wouldn't change it? Its a different variety, it would make sense to change it. What if Super Mario Bros. 3 had the same box art, just in a different colour, and the same description of Super Mario Bros.? It would make no sense and be down right idiotic. Monster also is at fault of saying the same thing over and over again, excluding extensions such as Java Monster and Monster Assault...2.3/5

TASTE: When I opened the can, I was greeted by a rather disgusting mix of Sunkist Orange soda, and a Red Bull clone. I cautiously took a sip, and was rather surprised with the flavour. Its best described as a Red Bull base, with mango, pear, passionfruit, and orange. The mango isn't too heavy, leaving much more attention to pear, passionfruit, and orange. Upfront, the pear and orange hit your taste buds, then fades away to a mix of passionfruit and some mild mango. The taste reminds me of RockStar Juiced, only not as smooth. Overall, a pretty good tasting drink, though the non-smoothness doesn't help with the sixteen(16) oz. size of the drink, which deducts some in the final score...3.4/5

KICK: Each can contains: 400mg of Panax Ginseng, 2000mg of Taurine, 200% Vitamin B12, 200% of Vitamin B6, 200% of Niacin, 30% of Vitamin C, 200% of Riboflavin, and 80% of Vitamin A. Now, this is what I'm talking about... Joker Mad Energy + Juice gave me a wicked buzz, true Hansens style. After drinking the whole can, I received massive jitters, twitches, and felt like going crazy like a real Joker is. While the kick isn't as good as Power Trip Mango, its still wildly impresssive...4.5/5

FINAL WORD: Overall, I'm impressed with the performance of Joker Energy + Juice, in the taste and kick department. The taste was pretty good and the kick knocked my socks off, while the can kinda sucked. Its weird how a lot of the powerful energy drinks have bad cans. Examples of this are : The Xenergy Line, Go Fast, RockStar Juiced, and Who's Your Daddy. I get kinda pissed off when this happens. Costumers get the wrong impression of these truly great drinks, and instead go for bad, but good looking energy drinks like Red Devil, Monster Assault and Venom. Its a shame really, it truly disappoints me when things don't get the attention they deserve...3.4/5

official site

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