Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mad Croc

I'm guessing that many of you guys already know, Circuit City is going out of business, and they're liquidating there entire stock, so expecting some dirt cheap games, I stopped by, and can you imagine my surprise when I found what they call a "Stay Up All Night" gamer pack with Mad Croc Energy Gum, Mad Croc Energy Drink, and Eighty(80) Hour energy spray for little under $6. In shock of finally finding Mad Croc, I picked one up. And today I'm gonna review Mad Croc Energy Drink, manly because I've been looking for it for the longest time, but was it worth the effort...

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can is a huge improvement from there original can design. The red crocodile works well with the black and silver design with the yellow trim. Though, there are some things that bug me, for starters, the cans a little busy, there's simply too much going on. The second thing that bugs me is the lame slogan, "Energy With A Wild Bite." The third and final things that bugs me is the eight(8) oz. size. Why not sixteen(16) oz.+ sizes like every other energy drink on the market. Hell, even Red Bull had bigger sizes than this. The last time I had an energy drink this small was when I reviewed FreeFall, lets just hope that Mad Croc turns out better...4/5

TASTE: I took a sip and was hit with a sweet, and tart bubble gum flavour with a hint of vanilla in the aftertaste. Mad Croc is very smooth, making very easy to drink. There's some slight gumminess to it, but nothing over bearing. It avoids being a complete Red Bull clone, but its still got several clone elements. Overall, a decent drink, though nothing original...3.2/5

KICK: Each puny can contains: Carbonated water, sugar, dextrose, citric acid, artificial flavor, inositol, caffeine, niacin, taurine, and riboflavin. This standard mix of energy ingredients gave me a decent buzz that lasted about two(2) hours, though this may be because its much smaller than the drinks I'm used to. I really can't give the kick a low score, mainly because its small size, oh wait, I can. Overall, the buzz was under impressive, though I wasn't expecting much...2/5

FINAL WORD: Overall, I feel that Mad Croc is just a Red Bull clone in a awesome can. It wasn't the worst energy drink I've ever had, but far from the greatest. I know one(1) thing that would have helped it though, I bigger can. Why are energy drinks still being made in eight(8) oz. cans? Its like if they if they still made thirteen(13) inch TVs. Wait... they, still, do? What the...? Every things getting bigger, excluding MP3 players and patients; those are getting smaller. Either way, Mad Croc is a decent drink that would be worth sixty cents($.60) in clearance, but not much more...3/5

official site

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if you really know what the heel your talking about. Mad-Croc is made with pure-cane sugar others use syrup, fact. 16oz cans are available how many you want, fact. Mad-croc found primarily in the on-premise which prefer the 8.4oz, fact. Taste tests show madcroc preferred over leading energy drinks. Fact Why don't you try it again.
