Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bad Boy Power

My latest trip to Big Lots brought me some new and exciting energy drinks, and some old and boring energy drinks. Thankfully, the new out weigh the old, and in this case, that means three new energy drinks to review, Bad Boy Power, Awake Good Morning Energy, and ...lost Perfect 10. I'm gonna review Bad Boy Power today, as I'm in the need of some energy, and a drink named "Bad Boy Power" seems to sound more potent than "Awake Good Morning." Lately, I haven't had any energy and because of the recent energy drink drought, going to Big Lots was like a sticking your feet in bunny slippers for the first time in years, just wonderful.

Overall, I feel that the can is only decent. I'm aware that they were going for the bad boy look(no pun intende- naw pun intended), but it just falls on its face(pun intended). And claiming to be a "power" drink instead of an "energy" drink just seems dumb.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour's best described as tart blue raspberry upfront, with some vanilla hints through out and some mild sourness towards the end. It's lightly carbonated and goes down surprisingly rough. There's little to no after taste. Overall, the taste is pretty good, though the tartness requires you to take your time while drinking and not just chug it.

KICK: Each can contains: carbonated water, sugar, taurine, glucuronolactone, caffeine, inositol, and niacin. This pretty standard mix of ingredients gave me a above average kick, but nothing spectacular. For about three+ hours I had some minor jitters which were accompanied by a mildly raised alertness. Overall, Bad Boy Power Drink really didn't give me much power over other energy drinks.

FINAL WORD: Overall, I feel that Bad Boy Power is only a decent energy drink. The taste, can, and the kick were all only decent or slightly above decent, making it difficult to recommend. But, I can't say that Bad Boy is a drink to avoid, because if your in need of a cheap thrill, Bad Boy Power is sure to at least come close to pleasing the drinker...3.4/5

official site

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