Thursday, March 26, 2009

Euphoric Energy Banana/Strawberry

After people saying they miss the numbers and some people saying good riddance to the numbers, I decided to compromise with the conflicting parties. I now only have an overall score, and not individual scores. I'll consider keeping it if people like it. Anyway, back to the review. After a drought of energy drinks lately, I found one little energy drink that has been referenced several times in reviews before, but never reviewed itself. That drink is Euphoric Energy Banana/Strawberry. Now, I have reviewed a couple of energy drinks in the Euphoric Energy line, but all of them have been flavours that people automatically associate with drinks, but Euphoric Banana/Strawberry isn't. Banana/Strawberry is something I associate with disgusting candy that your grandma still has sitting in her candy jar, and not a drink. Lets just hope it will help close the gap between drinks and banana/strawberry...

FIRST IMPRESSION: Oh boy, the can, where do I began? While I thought the can was just decent when purple or green was the colour, but yellow, just wow. Its pretty disgusting looking, but hey look on the bight side, at least its eye catching. Euphoric Energy Banana/Strawberry uses the same basic energy blend seen in the other Euphoric drinks, so overall, I'm really not looking forward to drinking this.

I opened the can and stuck my nose into the fizz that was unleashed when I opened it. The scent reminded me of sunscreen, but maybe a little more fruit like. The taste is best described as real banana with only a small amount of sweetness, which works well in bringing out the unique flavour. There is not much strawberry, surprisingly, leaving the banana to really shine. There is no after taste and goes down quite easily. Overall, I'm... impressed. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I kinda actually like the flavour. While bananas have never been my favorite fruits, Euphoric has somehow made a banana flavour that can be enjoyed by non-banana eaters.

KICK: The kick I got from Euphoric Banana/Strawberry was mediocre at best. Each can only contains: 1200mg of Taurine, 140mg of caffeine, 50mg of Ginseng, 80mg of Damiana, 60mg of Maca Root Extract, and 100mg Suma Root Extract. Though the kick was weak, it lasted quite a while. I assume it was because of the lack of HFCS and the use of real sugar. Ha, isn't it amazing that now a days, when a company says they use cane sugar as a sweetener, people consider it healthy, but in other country's, when a company wants to claim that there product is healthy they use the term "sugar free." Only in America.

FINAL WORD: Overall, I feel that Euphoric Energy Banana/Strawberry is a surprisingly good energy drink. While the can and kick really bring the overall score down, the flavour at least keeps it from being a complete failure. All in all, Euphoric Banana/Strawberry is a solid energy drink that sadly has a few cracks throughout. I applaud Euphoric for being a strangely appealing energy company by making bizarre flavours and appealing to the nerd in all of us...3.5/5

official site

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