A while back, I reviewed both NOS Original in a can and in a bottle, and was unimpressed in terms of taste with the both of them. But a sale at K-Mart has given me a reason to try one of the few versions of NOS, NOS Grape. Now, Grape has never, ever been my favorite flavoured beverage. Cough syrup, and grape soda have tarnished this flavour from being a favorite drink variety of mine, and because of this, high hopes for NOS Grape I do not have...
FIRST IMPRESSION: The bottle no nothing under bad ass. While I said in the NOS Bottle review that I really didn't like the look of the bottle, over time I have come to appreciate it. Lugging this twenty two oz. bad boy around school is pretty satisfying. The slogan, "CAUTION: POWERFUL" is just pure genius, though some might be skeptic about it...4/5
TASTE: I opened the bottle and took a swig. The flavour's best described as strong grape upfront, with some mild tartness that develops along side the medium sweetness towards the end. It drinks clean, and is not as syrupy as one might think. The flavours actually not bad and isn't like your typical grape cough syrup or grape soda. Overall, a surprisingly decent flavour from NOS that is sadly hard to finish and is the worst in the bottle line. Another complaint though, there seems to be some sort of black crud around the twist off area. Oh well, I hope its not posionou-...2.6/5
KICK: Hmm, what? Oh, I seemed to have blacked out for an hour or two. Damn black crud. Anyway, I finished the drink and about thirty minutes of so later, I felt felt full of energy. My brain felt alive and so did the rest of my body. This lasted around four+ hours until I nearly collapsed of exhausting. Each bottle contains: 2750mg of Taurine, 343mg of Caffeine, 136mg of Ginseng, 274mg of Insoitol, and 550mg of L-Carnitine...4/5
FINAL WORD: Overall, I feel that NOS Grape is a decent energy drink that while it's gonna wow energy rush lovers, its not gonna win over any non grape drink drinkers. It amazes me why nobody has made a green(commonly know as white) grape flavoured soda. It seems like it would sell well. If you took a poll of 100 people and asked them if they prefer green grapes or purple grapes, I'm willing to bet that green grapes would at least come in second...3/5
official site
I really like NOS's fruit punch that comes in the cans.
ReplyDeletehilarious! very funny post.