Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Euphoric Orange/Mango

The Euphoric Energy line has featured some of the most interesting and unique flavours I've seen in quite a while, and it seems that the trend continues with Euphoric Orange/Mango. Orange is one of the most standard flavours in energy drinks, but so is mango, so it will be fun to see how Euphoric blends the two flavours together. Most of the past Euphoric flavours have focused on one of the two flavours listed, so it will be interesting to see which flavour, whether its orange or mango, that Euphoric Orange/Mango focuses on. And yes, I'm completely ignoring my five day absence.

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can continues to use the same design that the past Euphoric drinks have used, which I feel is a bad choice. The design doesn't work well with the orange, even though the orange is rather subtle. Maybe with some redesigning, it would work, but until then, the can is overall ugly and unappealing.

TASTE: I opened the can and poured it in a glass. The colour is a cross between orange and carrot juice, maybe a little lighter. The flavour really surprised me. It starts out as mango that seems to be stitched together with some mild orange and peach flavours. The mango tastes fresh, and the orange adds tartness, which really increases the complexity of the drink. The peach isn't overwhelming, as it seems to only appear as the drink goes down my throat. Overall, though a little rough to drink because of the peach, Euphoric Orange/Mango is surprisingly good tasting.

KICK: Each can contains: 1200mg of Taurine, 140mg of caffeine, fifty mg of Ginseng, eighty mg of Damiana, sixty mg of Maca Root Extract, and 100mg Suma Root Extract. This blend of ingredients gave me a mediocre buzz that lasted around three hours or so. I only felt my alertness go up mildly and I had no jitters or twitches. Overall, the kick is identical to the kick of the other Euphoric drinks, decent.

FINAL WORD: All in all, I think that Euphoric Orange/Mango is a decent energy drink. Though the flavour is pretty interesting and rather good, the kick and can don't do it justice. I feel that the Euphoric line, as a whole, is overall under average. While all of the flavours have been enjoyable, the can, and the kick have mostly been unimpressive. I can't say I'd recommend getting Euphoric Orange Mango at full price, but if you find it at $.60, its a decent purchase...3/5

official site

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