Monday, April 13, 2009

Slap Energy+Sensation

My local Big Lots brought me several surprises the other day, and one of the most notable of them was Slap Energy+Sensation. While I have heard great things about the line, I have never reviewed one, hell tried one myself, so finding three different varieties was a great surprise. Slap Energy+Sensation is produced for Brain Twist Inc. in New York. Slap is not the first energy drink to claim to have "sensational properties," as several Stoked drinks also made this claim. And the Stoked energy drinks with the sensations were great, so my expectations for Slap Energy+Sensations are unfairly high...

FIRST IMPRESSION: I like the can of Slap. The red and black really blend well together, and the hand and smiley-face-gone-bad really help set the mood... for a Red Bull clone. I'm sorry, but I really feel that Slap will be a Red Bull. Not only does the lack of flavour indication help my theory, but the red and black also remind me of a Red Bull clone, as red cans and black cans often indicate a Red Bull clone. But that aside, the can's at least good looking for what it is, and for promising a sustained high octane kick.

TASTE: I opened the can and too my surprise, the colour is crystal clear. This is a sign of originality. The flavour's also unique. It starts out with a refreshing citrus flavour that quickly fades away, leaving only some mild bitterness behind. Though I really like the initial flavour, I 'm extremely disappointed in the lack of any "sensation" in the flavour. I drank the whole can with out any sort of "sensation". Maybe its expired?

KICK: Each can contains: 220 calories fifty two grams of fructose, isomaltulose, taurine, maltodextrin, caffeine, sucralose, salt, guarana, and B12, 6, and 3 Vitamins. Overall, this list of ingredients gave me a buzz a little above average, but nothing spectacular. While the kick wasn't the strongest, it sure did last a long time. For about five hours I was wide awake and my alertness was raised. I didn't notice any jitters, as it felt more like a healthy buzz than some kicks do.

FINAL WARD: Overall, I feel that Slap Energy+Sensation is an overall good energy drink. While nothing has been completely revolutionary, nothing has really been standard or done before, so for that, it gets kudos. While I'm highly disappointing in the lack of any sensation, the flavour that I did taste was at least good enough to keep me drinking it. All in all, a good first attempt at an energy drink from the people at Brain Twist Inc. With a little more work, I think that Slap could turn into one of the best energy drink lines, but for now, its just good...3.5/5

official site

1 comment:

  1. I am drinking Slap frost now and it is good but the taste is strong like it really going snow is frosting inside u even on tongue. wouldn't drink it too much just as needed. but the best yet.4stars
