Monday, May 18, 2009

amp Overdrive re-review

Back when I was first getting started, I reviewed the first extension of the popular amp line, amp overdrive, and as we all know that when I first started reviewing energy drinks that, well my reviews sucked, and amp overdrive is no exception. So that's why I've decided to re-review it. amp Overdrive, along with several other amp varieties, is based off a previous Mtn. Dew flavour, and in this case, its Mtn. Dew Code Red. Now, I've never been a been a big Mtn. Dew fan, so an energy drink based off a Mtn. Dew flavour doesn't get me pupped up for this review.

FIRST IMPRESSION: Sorry for the bad picture, my camera's old so taking a good picture isn't always an option. The can uses the same design that Lightning used and I think that the design goes better with the red and black opposed to yellow. Though I like the can, I don't like the name. Overdrive, what does that mean? It doesn't fit cherry as well as lightning did for lemonade. The can is also cluttered with text, making it hard to focus on the pleasing can. Either way, the pros slightly outweigh the cons.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour starts out with a sweet fake cherry taste, unlike in 180 Red. After the cherry, a mildly sweet lemon/lime flavour develops and finishes the flavour. Then some artificial orange hints are left in your mouth of a while. Overdrive is very syrupy and thick, which while not nearly as bad as Black Jack Green Tea, it's still a turn off. Overall, Overdrive is very syrupy and tastes artificial.

KICK: Each can contains only: 160mg of caffeine, 148mg of Matodextrin, sixteen mg of Yerba Mate, 296mg of Taurine, 248mg of Guarana, and 200% of Niacin, Riboflavin, and Pantothenic Acid. This blend, while more potent than original amp, still failed to stand and deliver a decent kick. For around two to three hours I felt mildly jittery and my alertness went up only slightly.

FINAL WORD: Overall, amp Overdrive fails to impress me. Overdrive's poor kick, syrupy taste, and cluttered can makes it hard to recommend because as a whole, the cons outweigh the pros. Overdrive could have been a great extension off the decent at best amp line, but instead its nothing above mediocre. All in all, unless your looking for a syrupy weak energy drink held in a cluttered but otherwise good can, skip amp Overdrive...2.8/5

official site

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