FIRST IMPRESSION: The can of Hooters Energy is every bit as tacky as the Hooters restaurant itself, right down to the slogan which is "Delightfully Unrefined Energy." On the good side, I like the owl, as I think she's cute, and the can has a good amount of fan service. But that's about all the good that I can say about the can. The design is basic and boring, and the Hooters girl is well, ugly, hell, if the owl was wearing the tank top and short shorts it would be hotter. Either way, the can's unappealing and relies too much on fan service.
TASTE: I opened the can and was hit by a bright orange colour. It starts out a sweet orange soda like flavour, not natural like awake good morning. There's a mild Sweet Tart flavour towards the end, similar, Ole', but not as strong. The carbonation is kept to a medium, which I think works well with the flavour. Its very tangy and not bitter, tart, or vitamin-y. There's as light orange aftertaste which while not the best, is not nothing offensive. Overall, I'm impressed with the flavour Hooters Energy.
KICK: Each can contains: 220 calories, fifty four grams of sugar, 1900 mg of taurine, 220 mg caffeine, guarana, ginseng, inositol, taurine, B Vitamins, and Calcium. Though this blend isn't too far off the average tired and true energy blend, I got a pretty wicked buzz. For four hours I felt full of energy, and my mental alertness was up. But the bigger they come, the harder they fall, and Hooters Energy Drink is no exception. After the four hours I was hit with a horrible crash, but this is nothing an another energy drink couldn't solve.
FINAL WORD: Overall, Hooters Energy is an above average energy drink. Though the can will go down in infamy for beginning one of the worst energy drink cans ever to be held by my hands, the great taste and kick make up for my tarnished hands. Hooters Energy really surprised me with its pleasing taste, its great kick, and the fact that it wasn't a Red Bull clone. More companies should do what Pennington Beverage did by creating an unique energy drink, instead of rehashing an old tired and true flavour and weak kick. A good to great licensed energy drink is rare now a days, as most companies use there license to make a quick buck and don't put any heart or soul into the product. But every once in a while, a company will spend time and money on there license, and it usually pays off. All in all, if your a woman rights activist looking for a great energy drinks, avoid, but if your an average Joe, and caffeine nut, a perv, or just think the owls cute, give Hooters Energy Drink a try, even if its full price...4/5
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