Wednesday, May 13, 2009

NOS Powershit

Now, two of my least favorite things in the energy market are energy shots and the NOS line, so when all I had in my fridge was NOS Powershot, you can imagine that I wasn't a happy camper. Putting one of the most disappointing energy drink lines in shot form isn't exactly what I call a good idea. I've tried NOS Grape, NOS in the can and NOS in the bottle, and they all came out with similar results, below average, so my hopes for NOS Powershit- I mean Powershot, aren't too high.

FIRST IMPRESSION: NOS Powershot comes in a tiny two oz. bottle with a similar label to its older brothers NOS Grape and NOS in Bottle. Now while I think the blue bottle matches the orange label quite well, I don't like how the label is cluttered. I also don't like how most if not all energy shots come in resealable bottles, while many large energy drinks come in the conventional pop top soda can design that can't reseal. Why the hell would you put something that your supposed to drink in a sip in a resealable can, and put something your supposed to drink moderately like juice or tea comes in a non-close able bottle. Either way, the bottles too cluttered and doesn't do much to stand off the shelf compared to some shots.

TASTE: I opened the bottle and took a sip. The flavours best described as strong passion fruit upfront, but then a strong bitterness kick in. The passion fruit, while too strong for my taste, is sadly the best part of the flavour. There's a slight orange flavour that rides along side the passion fruit, but sadly gets overrun by the bitterness. Overall, NOS Powershot's flavour is one of the worst I've had in my near three years of reviewing.

KICK: Each bottle contains: high fructose corn syrup, citric acid, taurine, natural passion fruit flavor with other natural flavors, 125mg of caffeine, Vitamin C, inositol, ginseng, vitamin B6, beta carotene, and vitamin B 12. Now while most of the drinks in the NOS line has been disappointing on taste, but impressed me in the kick department, NOS Powershot provided me with a measly two hour buzz, filled with twitches and ended with no crash. NOS Powershot's weak kick surprised me, as the bottle said, "This is not NOS Energy Drink... and is much more powerful." You'd think after two powerful energy drinks that the concentrated form would be more powerful, but NOS somehow made that little bit of sense, nonsense.

FINAL WORD: Overall, NOS Powershot is not only a disgrace the NOS line, but to energy products in general. This could of been the saving grace to the poor NOS line, but it instead turned out to be a badly dressed, bitter weak disappointment. The Whole NOS line in general has been pretty bad, but at least they all had something to keep them from completely failing, but not NOS Powershot. Avoid NOS Powershot at all cost. I got mine from Big Lots for $1, and I have to say I paid too much...1.6/5

official site

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