Friday, June 5, 2009

Max Velocity Uncaged Sugar Free Re-review

Shaws has a surprisingly good amount of energy drinks, so on the rare occasion that I go to Shaws, I try to pick up several energy drinks, and on my most recent voyage, one of them is Max Velocity Uncaged Sugar Free. Max Velocity Uncaged Sugar Free is distributed by the Albertson company exclusively through Shaws super markets. I've already reviewed Max Velocity Uncaged Sugar Free before and was impressed with it, but since my tastes have changed(and because that review sucked), I've decided to re-review it.

FIRST IMPRESSION: While I think the yellow fits the can design better than orange of the original, I still don't like the can as a whole. The cheetah is out of place and the text is rather cluttered. I also don't like how the writing is written sideways. This makes reading the can more difficult than it has to be. Overall, The can, while an improvement over the original, is unappealing.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour starts out a light lemon flavour that's closely followed with a mild grapefruit flavour. Unlike the original, there's no ginger ale or lime flavour. There's a sugar-free aftertaste that's more strong towards the beginning, but as you take more sips you can't notice it as much. The sweetness is kept it to a low, which I think helps keep the sugar free aftertaste to a low. The flavour is not tart, sour, or bitter, which is something to be said for energy drinks in general. Overall, the flavour or Max Velocity Uncaged Sugar Free is quite enjoyable and right on par with its sugared counter part.

KICK: The highlights of the ingredients are: Taurne, caffeine, Niacin, inositol, Vit, B5, B6, and B12. This blend gave me a decent kick. For three or so hours I felt mildly awake and had some mild jitters. After the three hours my alertness went down, but since it wasn't raised much in the first place, it wasn't too noticeable.

FINAL WARD: Overall, I have to say that Max Velocity Uncaged Sugar Free is a fairly decent stab at a sugar free energy drink. Though the can is terrible, the surprisingly good sugar free flavour and middling kick make up for it. I can't say that I'm gonna buy Max Velocity Uncaged Sugar Free all the time, I can see myself buying this occasionally. All in all, if your looking for a decent energy drink that is not going to break your budget or belt, give Max Velocity Uncaged Sugar Free a try, but if your looking for something truly special, its best to save your money and avoid...3.4/5

1 comment:

  1. This has 77 mg caffeine in an 8 oz serving, so about 155 mg if you drink the whole can. I had to contact Albertson's and the manufacturer actually called me on the phone to tell me this information.
