Saturday, June 6, 2009

Rockstar Punched Citrus

Rockstar is one of the more popular lines of energy drinks, and given my experience with the line, I say they deserve it to an extent. While none of the drinks are hugely innovative, none of them are a disgrace to energy drinks or energy drinkers. Rockstar Punched Citrus is one of the two energy drinks in the Rockstar Punched line, the other being Rockstar Punched Energy+Punch. I've been looking for Rockstar Punched Citrus for a decent amount of time, and I'm rather excited to finally get to try/review it, however, will it meet my expectations?

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can uses the same background that Guava used, but unlike Guava, the colour is a bright green. I like the fact that its green, as there's not too many green energy drink cans out there, but that's about all the good I can say about it. There's simply too much stuff going on at once. There is a large star on the bottom left, there is three lines of writing towards the top, and as that's not enough text, there's also some small writing towards the very top, and some more next to the star. Overall, while the can's colour may help the drink jump off the shelves, it's simply too cluttered for its own good.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour is hard to describe. It starts out a thick lemon/lime flavour, followed by a tart berry taste that finishes it. The lemon/lime is thick, almost to the point of being grainy, ruining any chance of it ever being a thirst quencher. The lemon is slightly stronger than the lime flavour, and the berry flavour tastes more natural than I expected. Rockstar Citrus is decently sweet and pretty sour. Overall, I like the flavour of Rockstar Punched Citrus, and would go even as far as to saying its my favorite Rockstar flavour so far.

KICK: Each can contains: 240mg of caffeine, B vitamins, ginseng, ginkgo, gaurana, taurine, and milk thistle. This blend gave me a pretty powerful buzz, lasting around four hours or so. My alertness went up, but surprisingly, I didn't get any jitters or twitches. Once the four hours were up, I gently drifted back to my normal sense of being. Overall, the kick is one of the better I've had in a while and definitely one of the best in the Rockstar line.

FINAL WORDY: In the end, I feel that Rockstar Punched Citrus is a great overall energy drink. The can, while mediocre at best, the kick and taste make up for it and are among the best in the Rockstar line. I've been trying hard to find this drink, and after all the trouble I went through to find it, I have to say can aside, that it exceeded my expectations. All in all, if your looking for a great tasting potent citrus energy drink in the vein of Mtn Dew or Vault, I say buy Rockstar Punched Citrus...4.3/5

official site

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