Monday, June 15, 2009

Syzmo Passion

One of the more interesting drinks I found at Big Lots yesterday is Syzmo Passion. Syzmo Passion is made by the Organic Beverage Company, which I have never heard of. The drink is supposedly "blue agave" flavoured, but since my past experience with blue agave flavoured energy drinks hasn't been the best, I'm a little concerned.

FIRST IMPRESSION: I like the can. The crimson background is quite attractive and though there might be a lot going on, for some reason I don't think it is very cluttered. I don't, however, like that its a small eight oz. can. Most energy drinks now a days are sixteen oz.'s, so I don't see any reason why Syzmo Passion isn't. One weird thing is that Syzmo Passion has a GI of 30(low). According to the can, a GI is the effect of carbohydrates on blood glucose levels. Yeah, its just weird.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour starts out a faint cherry/berry hybrid, with the cherry tasting like a fresh Maraschino cherry, similar to that found in 180 Red. The berry is not like the standard blue raspberry, but instead a pleasant cran and blue berry blend. Syzmo Passion is not very sweet, sour or bitter, but instead rather tart, but not too tart. Overall, the taste to Syzmo Passion is one of the more interesting flavours to drink I've had in a while.

KICK: Unsurprisingly, the kick is the weakest part of the whole Syzmo Passion experience. Each can contains: 125mg of coffee fruit concentrate, eighty mg of caffeine, 1000% of your daily intake of Vit. B12, twelve mg of Vit. B 6, and 100% of your daily intake of Vit. B2, B3, and C. Though this blend of ingredients isn't too far off the standard amount, it is the small eight oz. can destroys any chance of Syzmo Passion giving anyone a "good" kick. For around two or so hours, I felt mildly awake, with only my mental state being raised.

FINAL WORD: All in all, I feel that Syzmo Passion is a truly unique energy drink. Everything except the kick was refreshing and as a whole, a fun experience. Though I can't say that this drink will revolutionize the energy drink market(or sell well), but I can say that it is one of the few eight oz. energy drinks that I can recommend buying at full retail price...4/5

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