Sunday, June 14, 2009

Slap Juicy Tropical

First of all, I'm sorry for the scattered reviews lately, and as usual, I blame the common energy drink drought. But today I guess it must of down poured, because Big Lots was stocked with a bunch of new energy drinks, and one of them is Slap Juicy Tropical. Slap Juicy Tropical is one of the two flavours in the Slap Juicy line, the other being Cherry Punch. Now, the Slap line has been pretty average the past, but I'm curious to see how they executed the labeled "tropical" flavour. Personally, I hope that the flavour will be mostly citrus, as I have a love affair with citrus, but will Slap fulfill my hopes and expectations, or will they, like some, fail to meet them?

FIRST IMPRESSION: The can design is different from the design of the previous Slap drinks, and that's not for the better. The large "Juicy" is off-putting and would be more fitting on a Juicy Juice bottle than an energy drink. I also don't like the green background because green reminds me more of a forest than a tropical island. Overall, the can can't decide whether its an energy drink or a juice box.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour is hard to describe. It starts out a light, seltzer-like pineapple juice flavour than lingers in your mouth for a brief while, then quickly fades away. I couldn't taste any other flavour than pineapple, which I have to say is rather disappointing. The flavour as a whole is not very sweet, bitter or sour, but instead very juice like, which I guess is only fitting given the whole "juicy" gimmick. Overall, I'm not too impressed with the flavour of Slap Juicy Tropical. I was hoping for more than just a pineapple flavour.

KICK: Each can contains: carbonated water, pear juice, sugar, taurine, peach juice, caffeine, malic acid, and vitamins B6, B3, and B12. This potent blend of ingredients gave me a long, health-like buzz. While I wasn't all hyped up or full of jitters, I did feel my alertness and mental being go up for a good four to five hours. After the four+ hours, I gently drifted back to normality. Overall, a solid kick from Slap Juicy Tropical.

FINAL WARD: From beginning to end, I have to say that I'm disappointed with Slap Juicy Tropical. While the kick was great, the can and taste were nothing to write home about. The can was definitely the weakest part of the whole drink, and the flavour was in the middle. Though the flavour was by no means bad, it wasn't any thing exceptional and was more like generic or mediocre. All in all, unless your only concern is getting health-like kick, I say either buy Slap Juicy Tropical at discount or skip entirely...2.9/5

official site

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