I have reviewed several different tea based energy drinks, and most of them were decent to good, so when I reviewed amp Black Tea, despite the lines history, I had some fair expectations. But, like you can imagine, amp Black Tea failed to meet them. And because of this failure I have much lower, almost none existent expectations and hopes for the second amp tea, amp Green Tea.
FIRST IMPRESSION: The can design of amp Green Tea seems to be inspired by another green tea energy drink, Hansen's Primal Tea. No really, it is almost like Pepsi took the design and changed it slightly and called it their own. But, unlike Primal Tea, amp Green Tea is cluttered. Now, I'm personally sick of saying the same thing over and over again about the amp cans, so all I'm going to say is that the can is cluttered. One disappointing thing about amp Green Tea is its low caffeine content. At only 156mg per sixteen oz. can, it is one of the least caffeinated energy drinks I've seen in quite some time.
TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour starts out a light sweet lemon taste that quickly fades into a slightly bitter green tea flavour. The green tea ends with a sweet bite, which offsets some of the bitterness. The lemon is sour, but not overwhelming. Unlike most amp flavours, amp Green Tea didn't leave a syrupy coating behind, which is good as it would have ruined the flavour. Overall, while it may have nothing on Arizona Green Tea, for what it is, it is a pretty good tasting energy tea.
KICK: Each can contains: 156mg of caffeine, 126mg of Maltodextrin, green tea, 248mg of Guarana, 296mg of Taurine, 700mg of Beta Alanine, and 200% of your daily intake of Niacin, vit. B6, and Pantothenic acid. This blend of ingredients gave me a slightly below average buzz. While I did feel more awake and focused, it didn't last that long(around two or three hours) and when it ended I got hit with a hard crash.
FINAL WORD: From start to finish, my reaction to amp Green Tea is mixed. While I enjoyed the flavour, its busy can and poor kick keep me from making a recommendation. For what it is, amp Green Tea is a pretty good tasting tea, but it is not worth its usual $2.20 price. If your looking for a powerful energy drink, look else where, and if you want a great tasting green tea then go to any grocery store and pick up a Arizona Green Tea for $1. Skip amp Green Tea...2.8/5
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I always love green tea. It just feels good after drinking.
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