Monday, August 24, 2009

amp Relaunch

I recently went to a Shaws Supermarket, and while I was checking out their selection of energy drinks I noticed that amp products were on sale for $1. So I picked up the last un-reviewed varieties and made my purchase. amp Relaunch was one of those varieties, and the one I'm least excited for. Though Relaunch has been given pretty good reviews, I'm just not a big fan of orange flavoured energy drinks, as they tend to be more like orange juice then orange soda.

FIRST IMPRESSION: Personally, out of all the cans in the new amp line, I have to say that this is my favorite, but that isn't saying much. The text is jumbled and for the most part useless. With an orange can, your first thought is that the flavour is going to be orange, so then why do they feel the need to write "orange citrus" on the can? I don't know.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour starts out a crisp, artificial orange that quickly fades into sweet tangerine taste. The orange flavour is pretty subtle, where as the tangerine taste is vibrant. Unlike the previous amp flavours, Relaunch doesn't leave a syrupy coating in your mouth, which is a pleasant surprise. amp Relaunch goes down very smooth, almost too smooth. Be careful or you might end up drinking the whole can before you can fully enjoy the taste. Overall, I have to say that amp Relaunch is easily one of the best tasting flavours in the line, despite it not being very complex.

KICK: Each can contains: 220 calories, 200% of your daily intake of Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, 248 mg of guarana seed extract, 160mg of caffeine, 148mg of maltodextrin, 296mg of Taurine, and thirty four mg of Ginseng. This overall blend gave me a decent buzz. For around three hours my mental alertness went up a decent amount and I didn't get a case of the jitters. After the three hours I got a mild crash, but nothing out of the ordinary.

FINAL WORD: Overall, I feel that amp Relaunch is a slightly below average overall energy drink. While the taste was great, the mediocre can and boring kick drag the overall score down. Personally, I feel that amp Relaunch is more of a highly caffeinated orange soda than an energy drink, and at $2.29, it is an expensive one at that. Though, for what I paid($1), amp Relaunch isn't the worst you could do, but it is far from the best. All in all, unless you have the ability to look past all the low points, skip amp Relaunch like a rock...2.9/5

official site

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