Saturday, August 22, 2009

Max Velocity Pomegranate Berry

On a recent trip to the Boston area, I stopped at a Shaws to see if they had any new energy drinks. At first, I saw nothing, but then I looked closer and saw this "beauty," Max Velocity Pomegranate Berry. As we all know, Max Velocity is a line of generic energy drinks at Shaws, and Max Velocity Pomegranate Berry is the second spin off of the line, the first being Uncaged. Now, since the line has been surprisingly decent to good in the past, I'm rather excited to try and review Pomegranate Berry.

FIRST IMPRESSION: While the can to Max Velocity Pomegranate Berry is better than the previous ones in the line, it is still a mess. For starters, the can is cluttered. While for the most part the top is clean, the bottom is packed unnecessary text. The Cheetah seems out of place, and doesn't go well with the purple colour. Speaking of the colour purple, there is too much of it. Not only is the background purple, but so is a lot of the text. It is too much purple.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour is hard to describe. It begins a tart, rather thick pomegranate flavour, that soon fades into a blend of melon and strawberry, with strawberry being the dominate of the two tastes. There are also some notes of raspberry and blueberry, which adds some complexity to the drink. The whole flavour is finished by a sweet bite, which lasts longer than I would of expected, making it the only real after taste. Overall, Max Velocity Pomegranate Berry is a pretty good tasting drink that tastes better than some big brand drinks.

KICK: Each can contains: 240 calories, Taurine, two grams of protein, 480% of your daily intake of vit. B6, 180% of your daily intake of Niacin, 160% of your daily intake of vit. B12, caffeine, and ninety percent of your daily intake of vit. B5. This blend of ingredients gave me a fairly average buzz. For three+ hours I noticed my reaction time was up slightly and I had a mild case of the jitters. After the three or so hours I got no crash, which was good.

FINAL WARD: All in all, I have to say that Max Velocity Pomegranate Berry is a decent all around energy drink. While the taste was great, the second rate can and its lackluster kick keep this drink from being a high recommendation, or even a mild recommendation. At its cheap sale price of $1, some might say that it's worth it, but I say that a dollar is still a dollar. There are many other, higher quality, energy drinks for the same price that are miles ahead in terms of, everything. Overall, if you find it on sale for $1, then you might want to consider picking it up, but if it is any more(or there is tax), then skip Max Velocity Pomegranate Berry...3.1/5

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