Thursday, August 13, 2009

rip it Citrus X re-review

Before Big Lots came into my life, the main place that I got energy drinks was the Dollar Tree. Though they rarely had new energy drinks, the ones they did have held me over quite well. And because I wasn't able to go to Big Lots this week, I decided to go to the Dollar Tree. Though I didn't find anything I haven't reviewed before, I did find one that was prime for a re-review. That drink was rip it Citrus X. When I first reviewed Citrus X, I was ecstatic about the drink, but since my taste's have changed, I've decided to re-review it.

FIRST IMPRESSION: Personally, I'm not a fan of the can. Though the colour really jumps off the shelf, it just doesn't look all that appetizing. When it comes to energy drinks, citrus usually means lemon or lime, and when the can colour is orange-ish, it usually means that it's going to be an orange flavoured drink. So what do you expect from a drink in an orange can that's named Citrus X? An orange and lime flavour? Who knows.

TASTE: I opened the can and took a sip. The flavour is hard to describe. It starts out a smooth artificial orange flavour that lingerers in your mouth until it fades, leaving a slight tangerine taste behind. The tangerine is much more natural tasting, almost like they left a little peel in it. The flavour ends with a sweet orange bite, which fades rather slow, making it the only real aftertaste. While the flavour isn't at all tart, bitter, or gummy, it sure is sweet, which while I liked it, it may put off some. The drink is pretty carbonated at first, but the more you drink it, the less it is. Overall, I like the flavour of rip it Citrus X. While it is by no means one of the best tasting energy drinks I've ever had, it's still a good+ tasting drink.

KICK: Each can contains: Carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, taurine, citric acid, natural and artificial flavors, caffeine, inositol, maltodextrin, guarana seed extract, brominated vegetable oil, pyridoxine hydrochloride, folic acid, and cyanocobalamin. This blend of ingredienst gave me a good overall buzz. For around three or so hours I was full of jitters, and my alertness was up a decent amount. After the three or so hours, I was hit by a pretty hard crash, but nothing I haven't seen before.

FINAL WARD: Overall, I have to say that rip it Citrus X is a good extension to the rip it line. While I found the can to be lacking, the good+ flavour and the decent kick evened things out. Personally, I feel that this is the worst in the rip it line, but that doesn't mean the drink is terrible. For $.99, Citrus X is a decent purchase, but with better drinks available at Big Lots for less money, it's tough to recommend it. All in all, if you don't live near a Big Lots or your looking for a steadily available cheap energy drink, then buy Citrus X, but for everyone else, I'm going to have to say skip rip it Citrus X...3.4/5

official site

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