Friday, March 12, 2010

Nerd Focus and Energy Drink Review

Nerd is an energy drink that I've had my eye on for quite some time, but have never been able to locate a can. So I contacted the company for samples and today I received four cans of both Nerd and Nerd Sugar Free. Nerd's can features a black and neon green colour scheme on a slim twelve oz. can, and the design used has minimal text and an attractive vibe to it. The brain matches the name, but it doesn't go overboard. There are some bubbles of various sizes amongst the can, and although they're nice, they really don't add anything. But, I still like the design. It's attractive and like the Euphoric line, it appeals to nerds in a sophisticated manner.

When first took a sip, I was surprised. I guess I didn't know what to expect, but I never would have guessed this. It begins a very smooth lime with an end trail of a faint orange. Both taste very candy-like, but they're not over sweet or syrupy. There's a bit of a melon essence underlying the main flavour, and as time grows, it almost replaces the orange. Oddly, once near the bottom of the can, each sip leaves an almost powdery feeling in the back of my mouth, but it's minor. Nerd doesn't have a strong bite once it ends, it just ends with no climax, but I think that helps it differ from other lime orientated energy drinks available. The flavour is not at all tart, and there's only a partially lime aftertaste. Overall, I really enjoyed Nerd's refreshing taste. It was familiar yet different, and though I did find some problems, they're easily ignorable.

Nerd is not only an energy drink, but it's also an alleged focus drink. This means each can contains a lot of unusual ingredients meant to improve focus. Highlights include: caffeine(120mg), taurine, guarana, ginseng, inositol, l-carnitine, ginko, DMAE, huperzine, and several B vitamins. Though I didn't get a super powerful, jittery buzz, I did have a good amount of energy, and I felt mentally uplifted, if not more focused. The energy level waned after two or so hours, but I was still focused for another hour or so. In the end, while not perfect, Nerd is an interesting energy drink that, while I'm unsure if the focus label will attract or put off people, is worth a try.

official site

1 comment:

  1. Just came across this website and i gotta say it is very well put together. But im wondering how many flavors the drink comes in. I haven't been able to find that out. Im just now trying NERD today and I thought it had a very odd taste. But the focus is very good. Im a high school student and I have ADD and ADHD and im very shocked at the results. This energy drink is freakin amazing. :) Can you maybe write a review about the Starbucks energy drinks??
